Monday, February 11, 2013

Crystal L. Cox Nevada Lawsuit. Crystal Cox Sued by First Amendment Attorney AND Fights Back. District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Case Filings, Documents, Motions and Docket Record for your Research. And to provide Transparency in the Courts.

District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL SLAPP Suit by Nevada Attorney to Retaliate against Ex-Client Investigative Blogger Crystal  L.Cox.  

This Post is Written Upon the Knowledge and Belief of Defendant / Counter Plaintiff
Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox.

Chill Speech Lawsuit, Free Speech Threat, First Amendment Legal Threat; Retaliation Lawsuit, State of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL
Docket Entries, Motions, Replies, Objections, Responses.

A Nevada Attorney, who is also licensed in Mass., Arizona, California, and Florida sued me to wipe out massive content and steal Domain Names. 

This Nevada Case is a prime example of a SLAPP Suit, a Defamation Lawsuit, but he Calls it a Copyright Lawsuit, Trademark, yet he has no Trademark and all the power of the courts to delete massive online content. And he claims to be a First Amendment Defender, Yet he has CENSORED mass blogs of mine and my online voice, in selective prosecution reporting on him. And thereby removed my First Amendment Rights Completely.

Learn all you Can about this Case. Whether you like my Independent Writing Style or Not, the facts remain the same. If he has this much power, and so does the alleged co-conspirators, you could be next,  take a look.

Original Complaint 
(Nevada Slapp Lawsuit brought against an Investigative Blogger in Retaliations by an alleged First Amendment Supporter, Attorney.)

Judge Requested to Admit or Deny ANY Conflict of Interest

Pro Se Defendant / Pro Say Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox Requests Judge Sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Admitting or Denying Conflict

Request for Judge to Sign a Disclosure Admitting or Denying Conflict.

Countercomplaint Filed by Counter Plaintiff Crystal COX

Original Counter Claim by Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox

Plaintiff Files a Motion to Strike Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox's
Counterclaim and her Complaint Answer

Counter Plaintiff / Defendant Crystal Cox Objection / Response in Opposition to to PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANT CRYSTAL COX’S COUNTERCLAIMS AND ANSWER.

Judge Removal Request

Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox Files Motion Requesting to Remove Judge in State of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL

First Request by Pro Se Defendant / Pro Say Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox to Remove Judge from State of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL.

Judge Denies to Recluse, Remove, Disqualify Herself as Judge in District of Nevada Case Number 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL as Requested in a Motion filed by Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox. Cites NO Law that Gives Judge Legal Power to Rule on whether to Remove, Recluse Themselves.

" MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 1/7/2013 before
Judge Gloria M. Navarro. Crtrm Administrator: Michael Zadina; Pla Counsel:
Ronald Green; Def Counsel: None present; Court Reporter/FTR #: Araceli
Bareng; Time of Hearing: 3:49-4:09 a.m.; Courtroom: 7D;

The Court makes preliminary remarks and hears representations from Mr.
Green regarding the 2 Motion for Preliminary Injunction.

IT IS ORDERED that 19 Motion forJudges and Clerks to Sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure is DENIED;

20 Motion Requesting the Recusal, Removal of District Judge is DENIED;
31 Motion to Strike Defendant Cox's Reply to Response is DENIED; and
Motion for Preliminary Injunction is GRANTED. Mr. Green
shall file a proposed order consistent with the Court's ruling."

Motion to Reconsider Request by Pro Se Defendant / Pro Say Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox to Remove Judge Gloria M. Navarro (Second Request)

Plaintiff Files for Preliminary Injunction and WINS

EX PARTE MOTION / Proposed Order for Temporary Restraining Order and MOTION for Preliminary Injunction Filed by Plaintiffs, District of Nevada Case Number 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, Document Number 2

Document 2-1 Marc J. Randazza Declaration in support of Ex Parte Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Motion for Preliminary Injunction


Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox Response / Objectionto to EX PARTE MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and MOTION for Preliminary Injunction Filed by Plaintiffs, Document 29

Memorandum To Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox Response / Objection to to EX PARTE MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and MOTION for Preliminary Injunction


ORDER Granting 2 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order. Motion Hearing set for 1/7/2013 03:00 PM in LV Courtroom 7D before Judge Gloria M. Navarro re 2 Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Responses due by 12/28/2012. Replies due by 1/4/2013. Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro on 12/14/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLR) (Entered:12/17/2012), Document Entry 14

REPLY to Response to 2 MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiffs / REPLY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' Motion for Preliminary Injunction Against Cox and Bernstein, Document 28

REPLY to Response to MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order and
MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Defendant Crystal L Cox Document 30

District of Nevada Case Number 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Court Docket Entry 35

Judge Refuses to Sign Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Admit or Deny Conflict, Judge
DENIES Motion to Sign COI Disclsure.

Judge Denies to Recluse, Remove, Disqualify Herself as Judge in District of Nevada Case Number 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL as Requested in a Motion filed by Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox.

" MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 1/7/2013 before
Judge Gloria M. Navarro. Crtrm Administrator: Michael Zadina; Pla Counsel:
Ronald Green; Def Counsel: None present; Court Reporter/FTR #: Araceli
Bareng; Time of Hearing: 3:49-4:09 a.m.; Courtroom: 7D;

The Court makes preliminary remarks and hears representations from Mr.
Green regarding the 2 Motion for Preliminary Injunction.

IT IS ORDERED that 19 Motion forJudges and Clerks to Sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure is DENIED;

20 Motion Requesting the Recusal, Removal of District Judge is DENIED;

31 Motion to Strike Defendant Cox's Reply to Response is DENIED; and

Motion for Preliminary Injunction is GRANTED. Mr. Green
shall file a proposed order consistent with the Court's ruling."

in Forma Pauperis

Defendant / Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox Files in Forma Pauperis

Ronald D. Green Lies to Court, Abuse of Power
In an Opposition to Crystal Cox Continuing in Forma Paupis

Counter Plaintiff /  Defendant Crystal Cox Replies to Ronald D. Green's Motion to STOP the Courts from serving ALL the Counter Defendants in 
District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL.

Notice to Court to Notify State Auditors

Why WOULD the Plaintiff and Ronald D. Green, the Attorney's Attorney, FIGHT so hard to not NOTIFY Authorities?  

I mean, they have defamed Crystal Cox in mass publications accusing her, me of Extortion which is a Crime, so Why not bring in SPECIAL Investigators into all the matters of District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL ? 

WHY would Law Abiding Attorneys and Judges not want this? 
Sure SEEMS Fishy to Me.

Defendant / Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox Notifies Courts to Notify Authorities

Plaintiff Opposition to Notify Authorities. Ronald D. Green Objects to Authorities Being Notified.

Defendant / Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox's Reply to Response in Opposition of Notifying Authorities.  See Crystal COX wants Authorities To Investigate.

Crystal L. Cox Request Nevada Court Protect Her 
and Her Sources, Plaintiff OBJECTS.

Defendant Crystal Cox Motion for Protective Order

Notice to Nevada Court of Counter Defendants / Alleged Co-Conspirators Attack on Porn Industry Insider AND Second Demand for Protective Order.

Ari Bass aKa Michael Whiteacre, Sean Tompkins, J. Malcom DeVoy Threats

District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Docket

District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL SLAPP Suit by Nevada Attorney to Retaliate against Ex-Client Crystal Cox, Docket Links
(yes Folks, the Docket is a Living Breathing Entity, and the Plaintiff can contact the Court and have it changed at any time, in my Belief) 

Attorneys SHOULD not have Special Privileges and Access to the Courts.
They SUE Me, I Fight Back, and they Claim I am abusing the Electronic Docket Service, all because I am providing Transparency.

Nevada Docket as of January 12th, 2013

Nevada Docket as of January 16th, 2013

Nevada Docket as of January 23rd 2013

Docket as of Jan. 25th 7:30 PM

Docket as of February 8th 2013

District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Docket as of February 10th 2013

My Blogs, Videos, Documents, Websites, eMail Accounts, GoDaddy Domain Names, Documents, and more.. disappear daily in retaliation to SUPPRESS, Silence my First Amendment Rights to report on, blog on the Plaintiff and Alleged Co-Conspirators, so if any document is missing or information is not here and you need it for your case AGAINST these, what seem to be Serial Plaintiffs, Committing RICO Crimes, email me at: or or

You Can Leave a Phone Message Here
(406) 624-9510. 
Note all HATEFUL Voicemails Will Be Posted

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